Wednesday, October 3, 2012


A Classic Apple Pie

My kitchen is my lab. I mix goodies together, blend new taste together, and come up with Cupcake Flavours to treat you with. Do not get me wrong I love the classics but sometimes added a twist here and there can be a good thing for our taste buds.

Take the classic handmade apple pie, if you google search it you will find many different ways to make it. Each family has been handed down a recipe and have added something new to it or have taken away something. Does that mean it is not a classic? Of course not! 

All other the components are still there, apple, spices and a crust. The trick is to make it your own. When you have the first bite and it is simply divine, what more is there to say about the changes other than you understand why classics become classics after you have had a taste. 

We all make our own classics and we decide what taste great!

My classic Apple Pie is coming up this week. Stay Tuned.


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